KCA University town campus on 10TH July 2023 led by the Director town campus Dr. Ibrahim Tirimba Ondabu and the Director of KCA Professional Technical Training Institute (PTTI) Mr. Faustin Mwinzi had the privilege of hosting a delegation from the Human Resource Management Professionals Examination Board (HRMPEB) to accredit the town campus of their programmes.
From the HRMPEB was a team comprising of the Principal Test Development Officer CHRP Luke Masinde who also represented HRMPEB CEO, HRMPEB Senior ICT Officer Fredrick Laiboni, the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Officer Beatrice Odera and also the Principal in charge of exams administration at HRMPEB Dr. Leonard Kiragu.
The approval of KCA University town campus to offer HRPMPEB Programmes is a milestone to the Human Resource Professionals as the campus will now provide them an opportunity to pursue the following programmes as part of their career growth and relevance:
Karibu KCA University Town Campus!